meet the designer

Hi! I’m Mel, the owner of Mel Renae Interiors. I entered the interior design world out of a deep passion for a space that nurtures and a love for problem solving. I’ve developed my design process to make each design highly personal without compromising on the functional aspects that make your space a joy to live in. I’ve loved the last 5 years of getting to know my clients through their home renovations and new builds. 

We will lead you through the design process to ensure you receive a functional and beautiful space that you love, while using visualization and communication tools to keep homeowners, designers, and contractors all on the same page throughout the project. We’ll use your vision to spark our creativity as we design an intentional space unique to you. I can’t wait to hear about what you’ve been dreaming up…

in mixing the old with the new

When done right, this makes everything so much more interesting!

that less is more

Especially when it comes to cheeseburgers and pizza...

in owning what you love

If we embrace this, we can start to embrace the more tender parts of our individuality and humanity. 

ready to begin?

Contact us today.

where art meets purpose